
Performance, Value, Risk category and Documentation

Kapitalforeningen Investin, afd. SRV – Fixed Income akk. KL. A

Relative value

The strategy has a minimal exposure towards actual interest rate levels but can generate returns in any state of the economic cycle. Furthermore, it offers diversification to most investment portfolios. The trading strategy is implemented through long and short positions in highly liquid government and mortgage bonds combined with the use of derivatives and gearing. Furthermore, a crucial part of the investment strategy is to utilize a part of the harvested risk premia to buy insurance against adverse market movements and thereby large drawdowns. The ambition is to secure stability in returns.

Updates are posted every Thursday, as official NAV is reported T+2.


The investment fund is classified with a risk index 2 (on a scale from 1 to 7).


Read more about the investment product in our Key Investment Document (in Danish).