
Scandinavian Relative Value

SRV Capital's Compliance function is outsourced to an external compliance consultant.

Compliance of the investment fund is monitored by the investment fund (AIF) and the associated fund management company (FAIF). The Compliance function within SRV Capital is supported by an external compliance company providing compliance services related to governance and the license to operate as an investment firm.

SRV Capital Affiliates:

- Supervisor: The Danish FSA.

- Bank: Nordea 

- Compliance: Howart Compliance

- Auditor: Deloitte

At SRV Capital, we acknowledge the vital role the financial sector holds in facilitating the green
transition through our investment and financing choices. As a signatory of the UN Principles for 

Responsible Investment (UNPRI), which is internationally recognized as the foremost advocate for ethical investment practices, SRV Capital is honored to reiterate our commitment to these guiding principles.