Scandinavian Relative Value

About SRV Capital

SRV Capital is a relative value investment fund, which primarily focuses on the Scandinavian Fixed Income universe. 

We are a highly experienced team with extraordinary track records.

Relative value fixed income investment fund

Throughout our careers, we have been investing via a strategy where we apply a systematic approach for harvesting risk-premia and re-invest part of the premium in order to buy insurance against unforeseen market movements. 

The reinvested premium in insurance is not perfect but we have the experience in handling a highly diverse set of distressed market situations. A successful strategy is in our view a combination of bought insurance and disciplined risk management in distressed markets.

It takes experience to perform in well-functioning markets - but it takes much more than that to stay calm and handle risk in a disciplined way in distressed markets.
The strategy is part of our DNA and has proven very successful in both good and bad times in the financial markets. 

In 2018, we decided to transfer the strategy and skill-set into a new Scandinavian Relative Value Fund. 

What makes SRV Capital different?

Proven strategy in challenging market environments
We are not limited to an ‘expert/favourite’ product class and we therefore avoid being locked into expensive product.

Left tail focus - we have the experience in handling a highly diverse set of distressed market situations.

The team

The team is fundamental in driving the investment advisory company and delivering superior return over the long horizon

Erik Bo Hansen
CEO / Founder

Torben Pedersen
CIO / Founder

Katrine Nørby Balling

Mads G. Jakobsen
Chairman of Board

Thomas Rudbeck
Board Member

Lars Ohnemus
Board Member